Today, the Institute (IWMS ) is a fully fledged, state-recognized Institute, incorporated in 1988, by the Act of Parliament No. 44 without share capital or other commercial attributes.
It has grown in stature and has established a reputation as the largest, most progressive and innovative, local Examining Body in Sri Lanka conducting a record number of examinations island-wide, in Music, Speech and allied subjects in all grades including Diploma. The syllabuses compiled by qualified experienced examiners are in keeping with internationally accepted standards. The Institute met this challenge way back in 1971 when the conduct of foreign examinations was discontinued. The introduction of Written English Examinations and Speech Theory in 1984 was another step towards the expansion in the scope of examinations.
The Institute of Western Music & Speech (IWMS) is specialized in promoting, nurturing and developing the talents of the children of the country in the field of Western Music, Speech and allied subjects. Join now at the IWMS and bring the best out of your hidden and undiscovered talents.
Examination Entry Forms can be collected from the IWMS office and the Entry forms can be posted on request to teachers.